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contributor authorGang Xiong
contributor authorFenghua Zhu
contributor authorHaisheng Fan
contributor authorXisong Dong
contributor authorWenwen Kang
contributor authorTeng Teng
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:46:05Z
date available2020-03-12T21:46:05Z
date issued2014
identifier other6957647.pdf
identifier uri
titleNovel ITS based on Space-Air-Ground collected big-data
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8191321
subject keywordsintegrated circuit design
subject keywordsn power amplifiers
subject keywordsn radiocommunication
subject keywordsn 2D modified memory polynomial
subject keywordsn Doherty PA design
subject keywordsn adaptive pruinng method
subject keywordsn broadband wireless communications
subject keywordsn digital predistortion
subject keywordsn intermodulation tuning
subject keywordsn power amplifier
subject keywordsn Adaptation models
subject keywordsn Broadband communication
subject keywordsn Complexity theory
subject keywordsn Dual band
subject keywordsn Predistortion
subject keywordsn Tuning
subject keywordsn Doherty
subject keywordsn Power amplifier
subject keywordsn digital predistortion
subject keywordsn dual-band
identifier doi10.1109/INMMIC.2014.6815086
journal titlentelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on

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