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contributor authorOu, Yang-Yen
contributor authorShih, Po-Yi
contributor authorKuan, Ta-Wen
contributor authorShih, Shao-Hsien
contributor authorWang, Jhing-Fa
contributor authorWu, Jaw-Shyang
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:44:49Z
date available2020-03-12T21:44:49Z
date issued2014
identifier other6956632.pdf
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titleA happiness-oriented home care system for elderly daily living
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8190453
subject keywordsfading channels
subject keywordsn linear programming
subject keywordsn multipath channels
subject keywordsn telecommunication power management
subject keywordsn hard deadline constraints
subject keywordsn hard delay constraint
subject keywordsn individual delay constraints
subject keywordsn linear function
subject keywordsn linear programming
subject keywordsn low powered wireless communication systems
subject keywordsn multipath fading
subject keywordsn optimal average power allocation policies
subject keywordsn real time streams
subject keywordsn transmission channel
subject keywordsn transmitted packets
subject keywordsn wireless channel
subject keywordsn Ad hoc networks
subject keywordsn Delays
subject keywordsn Fading
identifier doi10.1109/NCC.2014.6811321
journal titlerange Technologies (ICOT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on

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