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contributor authorAsa, Erdem
contributor authorColak, Kerim
contributor authorCzarkowski, Dariusz
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:41:15Z
date available2020-03-12T21:41:15Z
date issued2014
identifier other6953670.pdf
identifier uri
titleAnalysis of a novel interleaved CLL resonant converter for EV battery charger applications
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8188148
subject keywordsdata acquisition
subject keywordsn deformation
subject keywordsn geographic information systems
subject keywordsn geomorphology
subject keywordsn hazards
subject keywordsn real-time systems
subject keywordsn China
subject keywordsn Three Gorges Area
subject keywordsn data acquisition system
subject keywordsn dynamic deformation analysis
subject keywordsn early warning
subject keywordsn geologic hazards real-time monitoring
subject keywordsn landslide hazard
subject keywordsn Acceleration
subject keywordsn Data acquisition
subject keywordsn Geology
subject keywordsn Hazards
subject keywordsn Monitoring
subject keywordsn Real-time systems
subject keywordsn Terrain factors
subject keywordsn Wushan county
subject keywordsn early warning
subject keywordsn geologic hazard
subject keywordsn real
identifier doi10.1109/ICMTMA.2014.118
journal titlenergy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014 IEEE

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