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contributor authorJiang, Wei
contributor authorCao, Hanwen
contributor authorKaiser, Thomas
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:38:51Z
date available2020-03-12T21:38:51Z
date issued2014
identifier other6952118.pdf
identifier uri
titleAnalysis of generalized selection combining in cooperative networks with outdated CSI
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8186548
subject keywordsaircraft testing
subject keywordsn coatings
subject keywordsn condition monitoring
subject keywordsn crack detection
subject keywordsn fatigue testing
subject keywordsn sensor placement
subject keywordsn splicing
subject keywordsn ICM system
subject keywordsn SHM technology
subject keywordsn civil aircraft
subject keywordsn crack initiation monitoring
subject keywordsn crack propagation monitoring
subject keywordsn full-scale fatigue tests
subject keywordsn intelligent coating monitoring
subject keywordsn intelligent coating sensor
subject keywordsn metal substances
subject keywordsn operational aircraft structure
subject keywordsn sensors splicing
subject keywordsn service conditions
subject keywordsn structure health monitoring technol
identifier doi10.1109/RAMS.2014.6798527
journal titleireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2014 IEEE

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