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contributor authorYanyan Ma
contributor authorYu Jiang
contributor authorKakishima, Y.
contributor authorNagata, S.
contributor authorKishiyama, Y.
contributor authorNakamura, T.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:18:08Z
date available2020-03-12T21:18:08Z
date issued2014
identifier other6933392.pdf
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titleSystem-level throughput evaluation of multiuser MIMO using enhanced codebook considering user mobility in LTE-Advanced downlink
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8172285
subject keywordsLong Term Evolution
subject keywordsautomatic repeat request
subject keywordschannel coding
subject keywordschannel estimation
subject keywordsiterative decoding
subject keywordstelecommunication network reliability
subject keywordsturbo codes
subject keywordsRB-HARQ scheme
subject keywordsadaptive extrinsic scaling factor
subject keywordsasymmetric encoder
subject keywordschannel reliability estimation
subject keywordsgain 1 dB
subject keywordsiterative decoding
subject keywordsmodified asymmetric LTE turbo code
subject keywordsnoise variance estimation
subject keywordsreliability-based hybrid ARQ
subject keywordstransmission reliability
subject keywordsChannel estimation
subject keywordsDecoding
subject keywordsEquations
subject keywordsMathematical model
subject keywordsNoise
subject keywordsReliability
subject keywordsTurbo codes
identifier doi10.1109/CSNDSP.2014.6923962
journal titleireless Communications Systems (ISWCS), 2014 11th International Symposium on

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