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contributor authorRen, Z.
contributor authorWan, W.
contributor authorLiu, L.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:12:55Z
date available2020-03-12T21:12:55Z
date issued2014
identifier other6929778.pdf
identifier uri
titleA simulation on the global mean structure of the ionosphere and thermosphere
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8168263
subject keywordsbio-optics
subject keywordsbiomembranes
subject keywordscellular effects of radiation
subject keywordselectrokinetic effects
subject keywordsfluorescence
subject keywordsorganic compounds
subject keywordsradiation pressure
subject keywords1, 3, 3-Trimethylindolino-6'
subject keywords- nitrobenzopyrylospiran
subject keywordsUV-VIS illumination
subject keywordscell membrane
subject keywordselectrostatic force
subject keywordsfluorescence sensor
subject keywordsintracellular measurement
subject keywordsliposome encapsulation
subject keywordslocal mechanical stimulus
subject keywordslocal vibration stimulus
subject keywordsmolecular structure
subject keywordsoptical control
subject keywordsoptical tweezers
subject keywordsrapid cell injection
subject keywordsselective cell injection
subject keywordsspiropyran
subject keywordszeta pote
identifier doi10.1109/IROS.2014.6942653
journal titleeneral Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 2014 XXXIth URSI

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