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contributor authorAkdogan, Afsin , Shahabi, Cyrus , Demiryurek, Ugur
date accessioned2020-03-12T20:58:43Z
date available2020-03-12T20:58:43Z
date issued2014
identifier other6916928.pdf
identifier uri
titleToSS-it: A Cloud-Based Throwaway Spatial Index Structure for Dynamic Location Data
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8158300
subject keywordsUHF circuits
subject keywordscompensation
subject keywordsdigital communication
subject keywordsequalisers
subject keywordsfrequency response
subject keywordspassive networks
subject keywordsRL-type passive equalizer
subject keywordsdifferential pair
subject keywordsfrequency 1 GHz
subject keywordsfrequency response
subject keywordsfrequency-dependent channel loss
subject keywordshigh-speed digital communication systems
subject keywordslong transmission path
subject keywordsopen-stub compensation technique
subject keywordspassive equalizer compensation technique
subject keywordsplating bar structure
subject keywordssize 60 cm
subject keywordstime domain
subject keywordsBandwidth
subject keywordsData communication
subject keywordsElectronics packaging
subject keywordsEqualizers
subject keywordsFrequency response
subject keywordsImpeda
identifier doi10.1109/ICEPT.2014.6922721
journal titleobile Data Management (MDM), 2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on

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