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date accessioned2020-03-12T20:22:15Z
date available2020-03-12T20:22:15Z
date issued2014
identifier other6865930.pdf
identifier uri
titleInvestigating fundamental physics and the space environment with a dedicated Earth-orbiting spacecraft
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8134765
subject keywordscryptography
subject keywordsimage watermarking
subject keywordsmedical image processing
subject keywordsRC4 encryption
subject keywordsencryption-enhanced reversible watermarking
subject keywordsinformation security
subject keywordsmedical images
subject keywordsBiomedical imaging
subject keywordsEncryption
subject keywordsImage coding
subject keywordsIndexes
subject keywordsMedia
subject keywordsReceivers
subject keywordsEncryption
subject keywordsExpansion Embedding
subject keywordsPrediction errors
subject keywordsRC4
subject keywordsWatermarking
subject keywordshistogram shifting
subject keywordslocation map
identifier doi10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6950101
journal titleetrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2014 IEEE
contributor rawauthorPeron, R. , Iafolla, V. , Fiorenza, E. , Lefevre, C. , Lucchesi, D.M. , Lucente, M. , Magnafico, C. , Santoli, F. , Lorenzini, E.C. , Anselmo, L. , Pardini, C.

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