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date accessioned2020-03-12T20:18:44Z
date available2020-03-12T20:18:44Z
date issued2014
identifier other6862980.pdf
identifier uri
titleKeynote speaker I: Cell analysis and assembly by micro and nano robotics system
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8132079
subject keywordsgeophysical techniques
subject keywordsremote sensing by laser beam
subject keywordsvegetation
subject keywords3D information
subject keywordsAsh trees
subject keywordsmobile LiDAR data
subject keywordstraditional optical imagery analysis methods
subject keywordstree species health determination
subject keywordstree species identification
subject keywordsurban landscape
subject keywordsAsh
subject keywordsLaser radar
subject keywordsMobile communication
subject keywordsOptical filters
subject keywordsShape
subject keywordsThree-dimensional displays
subject keywordsVegetation
subject keywordsAsh Trees
subject keywordsIdentification
subject keywordsMobile LiDAR
subject keywordsTree Species
identifier doi10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6946688
journal titleegion 10 Symposium, 2014 IEEE
contributor rawauthorFukuda, Toshio , Wah, Oh Ser , Lovell, Nigel , Kot, Alex C.

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