Now showing items 1-10 of 81
Honey, i got fired! A longitudinal dyadic analysis of the effect of unemployment on life satisfaction in couples
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Visualizing minimal ingroup and outgroup faces: Implications for impressions, attitudes, and behavior
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Why do personality traits predict divorce? Multiple pathways through satisfaction
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
How malleable is categorization by race? Evidence for competitive category use in social categorization
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Oral approach avoidance: Affective consequences of muscular articulation dynamics
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision making
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Do needs for security and certainty predict cultural and economic conservatism? A cross national analysis
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
What makes a group worth dying for? Identity fusion fosters perception of familial ties, promoting self sacrifice
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Social class and academic achievement in college: The interplay of rejection sensitivity and entity beliefs
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Perceived perspective taking: When others walk in our shoes
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014