نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 204
Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) conodont faunas from eastern and northern Iran
Conodont faunas from Tournaisian sequences in the Tabas area of eastern Iran and the uppermost 30 m of the Khoshyeilagh Formation in its type section (Bozorgnia 1973; Brice et al. 1978; Ashouri 1994) in the eastern Alborz ...
Icriodus and Polygnathus (Conodonts) from the Late Devonian of Eastern Iran, and Middle-Late Devonian of Northern Iran
Icriodus and Polygnathus faunas from the Late Devonian of the Tabas region of eastern Iran, and from the Middle-Late Devonian of the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran, are documented. Twenty three species and/or subspecies ...
نخستین گزارش از مرجانهای سازند خان (برش راهدار، کوههای کلمرد، شرق ایران)
این پژوهش نخستین مطالعه فسیلهای مرجانی سازند خان می باشد. سازند خان در برش راهدار واجد فسیلهای مرجانی فراوانی در بخش میانی است. این مرجانها شامل کلنیهای سریوئید Wentzellophyllum kueichowense pauciseptatum و کلنیهای فاسیکولیت ...
The Upper Devonian Annulata Event in the Shotori Range-eastern Iran
The Upper Devonian Annulata Event in the Shotori Range-eastern Iran
Late Devonian and middle-late Devonian conodonts frome eastern and northern iran
Late Devonian and middle-late Devonian conodonts frome eastern and northern iran
Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran
Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran