نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 89
Solutions of fuzzy LR algebraic linear systems using linear programs
سال: 2015
Using linear programs, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of a fuzzy LR algebraic linear system. Fuzzy LR algebraic linear systems are linear systems with LR fuzzy coefficient matrix and ...
A new hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for solving uncapacitated facility location problem
سال: 2008
Here, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on genetic
algorithm and variable neighborhood search for solving uncapacitated
facility location problem which is one of the most important problem in ...
wo new metaheuristic algorithms for unconstrained optimization.
سال: 2008
Problems of global optimization naturally arise in many applications.
We present two new metaheuristic algorithms that are hybridization of
genetic algorithm and variable neighborhood search for finding a ...