نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 16
Process Algebraic Modeling of Authentication Protocols for Analysis of Parallel Multi-Session Executions
Many security protocols have the aim of authenticating one agent acting as initiator to another agent acting as responder and vice versa. Sometimes, the authentication fails because of executing several parallel sessions ...
An efficient hybrid approach based on K-means and generalized fashion algorithms for cluster analysis
Clustering is the process of grouping data objects into set of disjoint classes called clusters so that objects within a class are highly similar with one another and dissimilar with the objects in other classes. The k-means ...
Diffusion of innovations over multiplex social networks
The ways in which an innovation (e.g., new behaviour, idea, technology, product) diffuses among people can determine its success or failure. In this paper, we address the problem of diffusion of innovations over multiplex ...
Avoiding Social Disappointment in Elections
Mechanism design is concerned with settings where a policy maker
(or social planner) faces the problem of aggregating the announced
preferences of multiple agents into a collective (or social), systemwide
decision. ...
The double negation of the intermediate value theorem
In the context of intuitionistic analysis, we consider the set FF consisting of all continuous functions ϕϕ from [0,1][0,1] to RR such that ϕ(0)=0ϕ(0)=0 and ϕ(1)=1ϕ(1)=1, and the set I0I0 consisting of ϕϕ’s in FF where ...
A process Algebraic form to represent extensive games
In this paper, we introduce an agent-based representation of games, in order to propose a compact representation for multi-party games in game theory. Our method is inspired by concepts in process theory and process algebra. ...
On the Constructive Notion of Closure Maps
Let A be a subset of the constructive real line. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the set A such that A is continuously separated from other reals, i.e., there exists a continuous function f with ...
A Solution to the Surprise Exam Paradox in Constructive Mathematics
We represent the well-known surprise exam paradox in constructive and computable mathematics and offer solutions. One solution is based on Brouwer’s continuity principle in constructive mathematics, and the other involves ...
Simulation of Skulduggery in a Multi-Agent System
In a testing session, students may want to use the information of other students, which is cheating. The authors of this paper develop an artificial society to model and simulate this situation. They consider two control ...