نمایش تعداد 1-6 از 6
Trackerbot: A Robotic Surveillance System based on Stereo-Vision and Artificial Neural Networks
Master-slave camera systems are ideal for detailed surveillance of desired targets in wide scenes. In this paper, we propose a fully automatic camera system that is structurally unconstrained and independent from both ...
Enhancing Human Action Recognition through Temporal Saliency
Images and videos have become ubiquitous in every aspects of life due to the growing digital recording devices. It has encouraged the development of algorithms that can analyze video content and perform human action ...
ارائهی بازنمایی جدید برای شناسایی فعالیتهای انسانی در ویدیو با استفاده از نقشهی برجستگی
شناسایی فعالیت، حرکت، اطلاعات پیشزمینه، شبکههای عصبی پیچشی، نقشهی برجستگی
Safe Collaboration of Humans and SCARA Robots
This paper presents a method to determine distance between human operator and SCARA robot using computer vision in order to provide a safe workstation for human robot collaboration. Kinect sensor is used as the input device ...
Froth Flotation Classification of Antimony Based on Histogram of Bubbles Perimeters
The process of flotation is one of the most complex industrial processes for purifying minerals, and the control of flotation process is one of the most challenging issues in the mineral processing industry. This paper ...