Now showing items 1-6 of 6
A Group-Based Trust Propagation Method
Trust is a concept taken from social sciences and is
considered as a soft security approach that is effective in
reducing risk. In this paper, for estimating the trust between
unknown nodes, a group-based trust propagation...
A Confidence-Aware Interval-based Trust Model
It is a common and useful task in a web of trust to evaluate the trust value between two nodes using intermediate nodes. This is widely used when the source node has no experience of direct interaction with the target node ...
Propagation of Trust and Confidence using Intervals
Trust propagation is a widely-used approach to estimate the trustworthiness level of a target node in a web of trust, especially when the source node has no experience of direct interaction with the target. It is important to have not only...
RTBIMS: Accuracy Enhancement in Iterative Multiplication Strategy for Computing Propagated Trust
to estimate the trust value in this case is trust propagation. It suggests evaluating the trust value between two nodes based on the information received from intermediate nodes between them. As we often use a number between 0 and 1 to represent the trust...