نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 10
Numerical Investigation of the Unstart Suppression in a Supersonic Air Intake
سال: 2015
area, cowl lip roundness and spike surface curvature upstream of the throat on the starting and performance of the intake were studied. Results showed that correct combinations of the mentioned parameters can suppress the intake unstart problem...
Numerical Investigation of the Starting Problem in a Supersonic Air Intake
سال: 2013
area, cowl lip roundness and spike surface curvature upstream of the throat on the starting and efficiency of the intake were studied. Results showed that the correct combinations of the mentioned parameters can suppress the intake unstart problem...
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Vehicle Localization and Classification Using Off-Board Vision and 3-D Models
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Suppression of Petzval Aberration in a Projector Lens by Using Genetic Algorithm
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Isogeometric FEM Implementation of High-Order Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Linking a Service Innovation-Based Framework to Business Model Design
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Lamb wave tomography technique for crack damage detection
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014