Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Inclusion of full-fat safflower seed (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in broiler diet
Year: 2010
This study was conducted to evaluate the
use of various levels of full-fat safflower seed
(FFSS) on performance and carcass characteristics
of broiler chickens from Arbor Acres
strain. Diets containing various levels...
The physical Attributes of Safflower Seed as a Function of Moisture Content, Variety And Size
Year: 2011
Physical attributes of two common Iranian varieties of safflower seed (namely Golshid and Afshan), such as geometric properties (size, geometric mean diameter and sphericity), gravimetric properties (thousand seed mass, bulk...
Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment
Year: 2012
In this research, mechanical aspects of whole safflower seed was measured in terms of seed
rupture force, deformation, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy. Safflower seeds were
quasi-statically loaded in vertical orientation...