Now showing items 1-10 of 452
Influences of pre crash braking induced dummy – Forward displacements on dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Summit low angle faults in the Central Apennines of Italy: Younger on older thrusts or rotated normal faults? Constraints for defining the tectonic style of thrust belts
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Year: 2014
Effects of a latency period between pre stimulation and teat cup attachment and periodic vacuum reduction on milking characteristics and teat condition in dairy cows
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2014
The use of heart rate variability in assessing precompetitive stress in high standard judo athletes
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Year: 2013
The order of concurrent training does not affect soccer related performance adaptations
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Year: 2013
Improved ridge regression estimators for the logistic regression model
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Year: 2013
A systematic review on the influence of pre existing disability on sustaining injury
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Year: 2014
Pre-Cracked Concrete Shear Strengthened with External CFRP Strips
Year: 2013
as an external reinforcement. Based on experimental results, the external FRP reinforcement controls the shear slip along the shear plane and crack width. In the unstrengthened push-off specimens, the pre-existing
crack along the shear plane will reduce...