Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Numerical solution of nonlinear optimal control problems using nonlinear programming
To solving nonlinear control problems and especially nonlinear optimal control problems (NOCP), classical methods are not usually efficient. In this paper we introduce a new approach for solving this class of problems by using Nonlinear Programming...
A two-phase variable neighborhood search for solving nonlinear optimal control problems
In this paper, a two-phase algorithm, namely IVNS, is proposed for solving nonlinear optimal control problems. In each phase of the algorithm, we use a variable neighborhood search (VNS), which performs a uniform distribution in the shaking step...
The Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Fractional Optimal Control Problems by Measure Theory Approach
Abstract: In this paper a novel strategy in finding an approximate solution for nonlinear fractional optimal control is proposed. The measure theory is used to find the solution. There are different definition for fractional ...
Integrating Differential Evolution Algorithm with Modified Hybrid GA for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems
Here, we give a two-phase algorithm based on integrating differential evolution (DE) algorithm with modi ed hybrid genetic algorithm (MHGA) for solving the associated nonlinear programming problem of a
nonlinear optimal control problem...
An approximate method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems
This paper presents a novel computational approach to generate the suboptimal solutions for a class of nonlinear
optimal control problems (OCP’s) with a quadratic performance index. Our method is based on ...
Numerical Solution of a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using Linearization and Discretization
In this paper, a new approach using linear combination property of intervals and discretization is proposed to solve a class of nonlinear optimal control problems, containing a nonlinear system and linear functional, in three phases. In the first...
Solving infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control problems using an extended modal series method
This paper presents a new approach for solving a class of infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control problems (OCPs). In this approach, a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem (TPBVP), derived from Pontryagin’s maximum principle, is transformed...
A highly computational efficient method to solve nonlinear optimal control problems
In this paper, a new analytical technique, called the Optimal Homotopy Perturbation Method
(OHPM), is suggested to solve a class of nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (OCP’s). Applying theOHPMto
a nonlinear OCP, the nonlinear Two...
Optimal control of nonlinear systems using the homotopy perturbation method: Infinite horizon case
This paper presents a new method for solving a class of infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control
problems. In this method, first the original optimal control problem is transformed into a nonlinear
two-point boundary value problem...