نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 32
Analysis of CMMB signal for passive radar detection
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
A new mathematical approach for input-output pairing in MIMO square systems
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Particle-in-cell modeling of the heaterless hollow cathode operation: Keeper region
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Copernicus Sentinel-1 Satellite and C-SAR instrument
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Efficient CodeGuard mechanism against pollution attacks in interflow Network coding
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Generalized Discrete Fourier Transform Based Minimization of PAPR in OFDM Systems
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014