Now showing items 1-10 of 161
On the use of Zero Padding with discrete cosine transform Type-II in multicarrier communications
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Distributed energy-efficient resource allocation with fairness in wireless multicell OFDMA networks
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Evolving to 5G: A fast and near-optimal request routing protocol for mobile core networks
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
An Efficient Multidimension Metadata Index and Search System for Cloud Data
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Distributed parameter estimation with exponential family statistics: Asymptotic efficiency
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Topic dependent language modelling for spoken term detection
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Cooperative beamforming in CR systems with asynchronous interferences to multiple primary users
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Gate Cloud: An Integration of Gate Monte Carlo Simulation with a Cloud Computing Environment
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Relay selection on dual hop AF MIMO with OSTBC over asymmetric fading channels
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Towards Understanding the Usage Behavior of Google Cloud Users: The Mice and Elephants Phenomenon
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014