نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 40
Gender and the relative importance of mental health satisfaction domains
The Role of Existential Aspects in Predicting Mental Health and Burnout
Objective: Burnout and poor mental health are among the most important issues in workplace, which may lead to serious consequences for organizations. The present study aimed at finding possible prediction of the variables based on existential...
comparative and correlative study of optimism and menta lhealth status in active and non active elderly people
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received considerable attention in recent years. It has been studied as behavioral outcome of employees’ motivation in organizations. However, the present study ...
Considering child care and parenting needs in Veterans Affairs mental health services
An empirical examination of the relationship between occupational stress and mental health
and performance. This study aims to examine the relationship between dimensions of occupational stress and mental health in a large industrial plant in the northwest of Iran. A questionnaire consisted of personal information and items related to respondents...
The Relationship between Parents’ Child Rearing Styles and Their Children’s Quality of Life and Mental Health
Enhancing people’s quality of life and their mental health is one of the challenges for the “World Health Organization”. As parents have a close interpersonal relationship with their children, they play an important role in changing...
Effect of a Series of Yoga Exercises on the Level of Craving for Drugs, Mental Health, and Depression among Addicts during Rehabilitation Period
Background and Purpose: The purpose of using low-cost and accessible preemptive methods such as yoga exercises may enhance mental health among addicted men and prevent their affliction with mental disorders. This study...
neuropsychological approach ti relationship of metacognitive and self-efficacy beliefs with mental health
neuropsychological approach ti relationship of metacognitive and self-efficacy beliefs with mental health...
The relationship between rumination and mental health components in alcohol abusers
that rumination is associated with mental health. Public health is the most common include depression, anxiety, social problems and physical problems. Studies showed that rumination is associated with anxiety and depression. The purpose of this study...