نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 104
Design and Construction of a Linear-Rotary Joint for Robotics Applications
In this paper the mechanical design process of a special linear-rotary joint for a SCARA robot, called FUM SCARA, is illustrated. FUM SCARA is constructed in the Robotics Lab of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, in Iran. Main features of this robot...
Design of an Economical SCARA Robot for Industrial Applications
This paper presents mechanical design process of an industrial and economical SCARA robot, called FUM
SCARA, designed by a team of students at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, in Iran. SCARA robots are among the most widely used robots...
Avoiding Social Disappointment in Elections
Mechanism design is concerned with settings where a policy maker
(or social planner) faces the problem of aggregating the announced
preferences of multiple agents into a collective (or social), systemwide
decision. One of the most important...