نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 15
Small area estimation with spatio temporal Fay–Herriot models
ناشر: Elsevier Science
سال: 2013
Let us do the twist again
ناشر: Springer
سال: 2013
Linear models that allow perfect estimation
ناشر: Springer
سال: 2013
Best linear unbiased and invariant reconstructors for the past records
سال: 2014
The best linear unbiased reconstructor and the best linear invariant reconstructor
of the past upper records based on observed upper record values for the location--scale family of distributions are derived.
The ...
Estimation and prediction in the presence of an outlier under Type-II censoring
سال: 2018
A single-outlier data set containing some independent random variables
is considered such that all of observations expect one have the
same distribution. To describe the model of interested, a locationscale ...
Estimation of the scale parameter of a log logistic distribution
ناشر: Springer
سال: 2013
Mental task motor imagery classifications for noninvasive brain computer interface
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Decentralized Estimation Under Correlated Noise
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Optimum Power Allocation for Sensor Networks That Perform Object Classification
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014