نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 22
Effects of gas composition in headspace and bicarbonate concentrations in media on gas and methane production, degradability, and rumen fermentation using in vitro gas production techniques
Unique interrelationships between fiber composition, water soluble carbohydrates, and in vitro gas production for fall grown oat forages
Correlation of in vitro gas production and in situ technique for evaluation of tomato pomace degradability
This study was aimed to evaluate Correlation of in vitro gas production and in situ technique of tomato
pomace degradability. Tomato pomace was obtained from five large factories and dried. Seeds and peels
components were separated...
In vitro gas production parameters of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by-product
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a legume seed, which is mostly used for human food. Approximately 7500
ton wastes of chickpea including pre-screening seeds and chickpea bran (known as chickpea by-product) are ...
Technical note: In vitro total gas and methane production measurements from closed or vented rumen batch culture systems
Prediction of energy contents and potential nutrient supply of raisin byproducts for ruminants using National Research Council feeding system and in vitro gas production method
energy contents; in vitro gas production; raisin by-products; ruminants Using local agro-industrial by-products can help to fill feed shortages in ruminant feeding in semi-arid climate condition. The objective of current study was to determine...
In vitro gas production parameters of sesame (Sesamum indicum) straw treated with sodium
of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro gas production parameters of sesame stover treated with NaOH,
urea or sulphuric acid....
Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of lucerne hay and cottonseed hulls
In ruminants, ionophores have been used to enhance ruminal fermentation. However, because of human
health concerns, plant extracts and essential oils are used as alternative natural feed additives in replacement of ...
Effect of semi-arid native fennel (Foeniculuim vulgare) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of various ruminant fiber source feeds
C for 48 h). Both CH and WS were subjected to an in vitro gas production
technique as un-supplemented or supplemented with FE as 40 or 80 pug DM; named CHFE4O, WSFE4O,
CHFE8O and WSFE8O. respectively. Approximately 0.2 g of each feed...
Effects of Ammoniated Sugar Beet Pulp by Different Levels of Ammonia and High Levels of Water with Additional of Enzyme on Parameters of in vitro Gas Production and Fermentation Properties
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of ammoniated of sugar beet pulp (BP) by ammonia and
enzyme on in vitro gas production parameters. The samples were left treated with water (90 and 120 percent of BP), ammonia...