Now showing items 1-10 of 30
An optimization method for NBTI-aware design of domino logic circuits in nano-scale CMOS
In this paper, the impact of negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) on dynamic logic circuits is analyzed and a design technique for a wide fan-in domino gate based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is proposed. In this technique...
A low-power fast tag comparator by modifying charging scheme of widefan-indynamic OR gates
In thispaper,anewchargingschemeforreducingthepowerconsumptionofdynamiccircuitsispre-
sented. Theproposedtechniqueissuitableforlargefan-ingateswherethedynamicnodedischarges
frequently.Simulationresultsdemons ...
Undervolting in WSNs — A feasibility analysis
Vertical/Horizontal Resource Scaling Mechanism for Federated Clouds
A Novel Overlap-Based Logic Cell: An Efficient Implementation of Flip–Flops With Embedded Logic
Abstract—This paper presents several efficient architectures of dynamic/static edge-triggered flip–flops with a compact embedded logic. The proposed structure, which benefits from the overlap period,
fixes most of the drawbacks of the dynamic...
Impact of NBTI on performance of domino logic circuits in nano-scale CMOS
Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) in pMOS transistors has become a major reliability
concern in the state-of-the art digital circuit design. This paper discusses the effects of NBTI on 32 nm
technology ...