نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 1620
Index of authors
The Evolution of the Fraction of Individual Phases During a Simultaneous Multiphase Transformation from Time–Temperature Data
A formal mathematical approach to cooling curve analysis of multiple simultaneous transformations is introduced for the first time. The goal of this methodology is to measure individual phase fractions during free cooling. Transformation start...
Cooling Curve Analysis as an Alternative to Dilatometry in Continuous Cooling Transformations
Dilatometry and cooling curve analysis (CCA) are two methods of determining the evolution of a phase transformation with temperature. The two methods are similar conceptual in that they take an indirect measure of the transformation and extract...
Breakdown of Simultaneous Phase Transformations by Extending Cooling Curve Analysis
. Ongoing research on phase transformations has enabled the use of precise temperature measurements during cooling to estimate the evolution of a newly formed phase with time/temperature. This method can go beyond any previous cooling curve analysis approach...
Robust PSD determination of micro and meso-pore adsorbents via novel modified U curve method
regularization technique. Automatic selection of the optimal regularization level is crucial for efficient extraction of PSD from experimental adsorption or condensation isotherms. A detailed comparison of Leave One Out Cross Validation, L-curve, U-curve...
Alterations in milk metabolome and coagulation ability during the lactation of dairy cows
Real-time P-H curve CNC interpolators for high speed cornering
Abstract In this paper, real-time Pythagorean hodograph
(P-H) curve CNC interpolators are used for high speed
corner machining. There are large contouring errors around
sharp corners when low-bandwidth servo controllers (such...
High-speed contouring enhanced with P-H curves
Abstract In this paper, Pythagorean hodograph (P-H)
curve theory is used for high-speed contouring applications.
There are large contouring errors around sharp corners
when low-bandwidth servo controllers (such as P...
Various methods for parametric interpolation of NURBS
curves have been proposed in the past. However, the errors
caused by the approximate nature of the NURBS interpolator
were rarely taken into account. This paper proposes an...
Simulation of droplet impact on a curved solid surface by Lattice Boltzmann Method
In this paper, a two-phase multi-relaxation time lattice
Boltzmann model is implemented to investigate droplet
impact on a curved solid surface. The improved model is
capable of simulating...