نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 104
Power supply source for the continental shelf bottom exploration system
Behavior analysis of a first order degradation model when fitting the nutrient ruminal disappearance data
There are several different models for describing the nutrient ruminal degradation of feeds. The use of a
particular model in fitting a given degradability data set and estimating the degradability parameters implies ...
A comparative efficacy of holistic multidimensional treatment model (HMTM) and applied behavioral analysis (ABA) in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Several approaches have been presented for treatment of children with ASD. The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of Holistic Multidimensional Treatment Model (HMTM) with Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA...
Pre-proccesing log data for User Behavior Analysis
Abstract—User behavior modeling is one of web usage mining applications helping to understand the behavior of a user while interacting with the Web. Since the activity information of users are recorded in web log files, ...
Thermal behavior and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of (Ti41Zr25Be28Fe6)93Cu7 bulk metallic glass
The thermal behavior analysis of (Ti41Zr25Be28Fe6)93Cu7 bulk metallic glass was investigated using the non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry method. DSC curves at lower heating rates (≤30 K·min−1) revealed four exothermic and three...
Robot localization from minimalist inertial data using a Hidden Markov Model
Crowd analysis using Bayesian Risk Kernel Density Estimation
Crowd behavior analysis is one of the significant issues in video surveillance. In this paper while having a video sequence of a public place, the goal is to extract the regions of interest in the input video that can be the regions where more...