Now showing items 1-10 of 266
Production, fertility, survival, and body measurements of Montbéliarde sired crossbreds compared with pure Holsteins during their first 5 lactations
Bovine leukemia virus and cow longevity in Michigan dairy herds
Genetic determination of mortality rate in Danish dairy cows: A multivariate competing risk analysis based on the number of survived lactations
Simple nonparametric estimators of the bivariate survival function under random left truncation and right censoring
Effect of gregarines (Apicomplexa: Sporozoa) on survival and weight loss of Victorwithius similis (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones)
A New Wavelet Linear Survival Function Estimator
Let {Xn, n=1} be a sequences of i.i.d. random variables with survival function F(x)=P[X1>x] .
A wavelet linear survival function n F(x) based on X1, X2,…, Xn is introduced as an estimator for n F(x) . We
establish that the Lp’ -loss...
A New Wavelet Linear Survival Function Estimator
on statistical topics such as survival function estimation, nonparametric regression, nonparametric density estimation and many other related topics. Let be a stationary sequence of random variables with survival function . A wavelet linear survival...
survival analysis of longevity in moghani and baluchi sheep breeds of iran
in seep production, lifetime performance of femal sheep is one of the most important economic traits
Investigating growth and proliferative properties of cells derived from rabbit´s regenerating pinna
tissue, their survival and growth were examined in
vitro. Furthermore, the morphology of these cells was studied using light microscopy.
Results: Our results revealed that cells started to attach and grow from the 0, 2 and 12
days old...