Now showing items 1-10 of 767
A multistate monotone system signature
Comparisons of mixed systems with decreasing failure rate component lifetimes using dispersive order
Since lifetimes of systems are not deterministic, partially orders are used for comparison
purposes which lead us to provide optimal system configurations. This paper deals with
a signature-based dispersive ordering of mixed systems...
Analysis and Review of Grid Connected Battery in Wind Applications
Calibration of magnetic field sensors with two mass-market GNSS receivers
On residual lifetime of coherent systems after the rth failure
Computing system signatures through reliability functions
On the Kullback Leibler Information for Mixed Systems
and the corresponding component lifetimes and also the associated order statistics are distribution free and depends only on the signature of the system provided that lifetimes of components are independent and identically distributed (iid). The obtained results...
Function inference for interacting proteins through protein signatures
Signatures are functional sub-units of proteins’ primary structures. They include domains, motifs, and binding sites. Signatures play an important role in determining the interactions web of a particular protein and thereby, general...