Now showing items 1-10 of 265
An image quality assessment algorithm based on saliency and sparsity
is used as an alternative. This paper
presents a Full-Reference (FR) Wavelet based Image Quality Assessment algorithm (WIQA).
The proposed metric evaluates the image quality in terms of saliency, sharpness, and blurriness.
To this end...
A ground-based optical system for autonomous landing of a fixed wing UAV
Salient object detection based on multi-scale super-pixels and saliency propagation
Investigating factors influencing women‟s inclination in adopting managerial positios in Iranian higher education
faculty members in top Ten Iranian Universities. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the hypothesized model, and hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test the interaction effects. it was found that faculties‟ career role salience...
Analysis and design of conformal SCMR WPT systems with multiple resonators
Characterizing the utility of smartphone background traffic
The basic color terms of Mandarin Chinese: A theory driven experimental study
A Comprehensive Stakeholder-Typology Model Based on Salience Attributes in Construction Projects
This paper presents a comprehensive project stakeholder typology model -PSTM- based on stakeholder salience attributes. Stakeholders are considered as one of the major pillars of construction projects and management of stakeholders is essential...
A Survey on Optimal Innovation and Salience Hypothesis in the Persian Advertisment
The present study intends to test the Optimal Innovation Hypothesis, according to which an optimality innovate stimulus ( advertisement in this article) would be rated as more pleasing and attractive then either a more or ...