Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Trust at zero acquaintance: More a matter of respect than expectation of reward
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Covering Groups With Respect to Two Varieties of Groups
Year: 2007
Covering Groups With Respect to Two Varieties of Groups...
The relationship with others according to Quran teachings
Year: 2016
principles upon which respectful human interactions can be built. Here, what is meant by ‘the other’ includes not only those who share a common faith with us, but also people from religions different with ours. The Qur’anic verses studied seem to teach...
What matters to the rich and the poor? Subjective well being, financial satisfaction, and postmaterialist needs across the World
Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc.
Year: 2014
Optimizing Sparse Matrix-Multiple Vectors Multiplication for Nuclear Configuration Interaction Calculations
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
A Smartphone-Centric System for the Range of Motion Assessment in Stroke Patients
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Dielectric resonator antenna for high power RF plasma applications
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014
Permanent magnets converter-fed motor for ship radar
Publisher: IEEE
Year: 2014