Now showing items 1-10 of 32
Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii from free range ducks in Malaysia
Histomorphogenesis of pancreas in ostrich embryo (Struthio camelus)
The present study was carried out to determine the
development of pancreas in ostrich embryo. For
this purpose ostrich embryos obtained on 10, 13,
16, 22, 26, 30 and 36 days of prehatching and 1 day
of post hatching life...
Evaluation of serum pancreatic enzyme changes induced by propofol anesthesia in dogs
High lipid soluble propofol recently produce rapid short term anesthesia and used as induction and maintenance drug in veterinary anesthesia. Pancreatitis is known as a side effect of propofol that causes hypertriglyceridemia. ...
Anatomy of pancreas in Mynah(Aridotheres tristis
in the present study the histology of the exocrine and endocrine portions of pancreas in Mynah have been studied. Mynah,s pancreas had three lobes. Acini were round to oval in shape with large granules. ducts had simple to stratified cuboidal...
Structure of Pancreas in Zebra Finch (Poephila bichenovi) and Pigeon (Streptopelia decaocto laughing nove)
To compare pancreas of finch and pigeon 5 samples from each were examined. In finch’s pancreas the
number of islets in dorsal lobe was less than in ventral lobe. A islets were smaller containing 2 to 3 cells.
B islets in general were...
Sequencing the ovine pancreatic RNase A gene, a potent immunotoxin, in Iranian wild and domestic sheep
Ribonucleases (RNase) are promising agents for use in cancer therapy. Among the different ribonucleases described to be cytotoxic, pancreatic ribonuclease drew attentions due to similarity with Onconase®. Ruminants produce ...
Effects of trypsin inhibitor and particle size of expeller extracted soybean meal on broiler live performance and weight of gizzard and pancreas
Effect of fumitory, celery and lemon on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats
This study was performed to investigate hypoglycemic effect of fumitory leaf, celery leaf and lemon recommended in Persian folklore medicine as beneficial in treatment of diabetes and their possible effect on pancreatic ...