نمایش تعداد 1-7 از 7
Globalization effect on employment: an evidence form Islamic countries
The main aim of this paper is studying of globalization effects on job level. The data set used cover10
countries over the period 1980-2009. Before proceeding to estimate panel data, we carry out unit root
tests ...
Information technology and Productivity Growth in Islamic Countries
The aim of this research is the study of information and
communication technology effects on productivity in Islamic countries. We
have applied a balanced panel data model. Hausman (1978) test shows
that we should apply fixed...
FDI determinants and oil effects on foreign direct investment: evidence from Islamic countries
This paper investigates studying FDI determinants in Islamic countries. We have chosen a sample with 8 Islamic countries in the period 1985-2009. We have applied a balanced panel data model. Hausman (1978) test shows that we should use random...
A Study of the Effect of Social Capital on Human Development in Islamic Countries
this characteristic of social capital and explore its effect on human development among Islamic communities, the current study examines the effect of social capital on human development among Islamic countries. For this purpose, a collection of 20 Islamic countries...
The survey of energy demand in Islamic countries by using of panel data
In this paper calorie demand of some Islamic countries is studied. Given the vast differences among Muslim countries by per capita income level of the first cluster using SPSS software analysts were divided into 5 groups. According to this matter...
A Review of the Effect of Social Capital on Human Development in Iran
this characteristic of social capital and explore its effect on human development among Islamic communities, the current study examines the effect of social capital on human development among Islamic countries. For this purpose, a collection of 20 Islamic countries...