نمایش تعداد 1-9 از 9
Regression analysis of interval censored and doubly truncated data with linear transformation models
ناشر: Springer-Verlag
سال: 2013
Estimating the effect of emergency care on early survival after traffic crashes
ناشر: Elsevier Science
سال: 2013
Adaptive estimation of the conditional cumulative distribution function from current status data
ناشر: Elsevier Science
سال: 2013
Nonparametric (smoothed) likelihood and integral equations
ناشر: Elsevier Science
سال: 2013
Maximum smoothed likelihood estimators for the interval censoring model
ناشر: The Institute of Mathematical Statistics
سال: 2014
One-sample Prediction based on Weibull Interval Censored Data
سال: 2016
Interval censored data arise when a failure time say, Y cannot be observed directly but can only
be determined to lie in an interval obtained from a series of inspection times. Therefore, prediction
of unobserved Y can be interesting...
An overview of semiparametric models in survival analysis
ناشر: Elsevier Science
سال: 2014