Now showing items 1-10 of 49
Adaptive Fuzzy Fitness Granulation for Evolutionary Optimization
Nature may have been the original inspiration for evolutionary algorithms, but unlike artificially
designed systems, nature has an abundance of resources and time. For man-made
systems, computational complexity ...
Reducing the Search Space in Evolutionary Optimization Using Computing with Words and Perceptions
imprecise, human complements it. with approximate reasoning to reduce the size of the search space
as much as possible. In this paper, we apply computing with words and perceptions to add this
human-like rationality to evolutionary optimization...
Trusted Execution Environments: A Look under the Hood
Perception-based evolutionary optimization: Outline of a novel approach to optimization and problem solving
of the search space. Indeed, this characteristic enables human to simplify and solve very complex problems. In contrast, evolutionary optimization (EO) as one of the most applied artificial problem solvers is based on computing with numbers since a chromosome...