نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 13
Effects of short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk on the concentration of some serum minerals in neonatal dairy calves
for the determination
of some physiologic effects of clinoptilolite supplementation. The animals were divided
equally into three groups (control, test 1, and test 2). The three groups of calves were
homogeneous for parity of dams, sex, and month...
The Effects of Feeding Clinoptilolite on Hematology, Performance, and Health of Newborn Lambs
The effects of feeding clinoptilolite on hematology, performance, and health of
newborn Balouchi lambs were evaluated in this experiment. In a completely randomized
design, 30 newborn lambs were allocated to three groups and fed...
Effects of short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk on hematology, serum proteins, performance, and health in neonatal dairy calves
for the determination of the effects of
clinoptilolite supplementation on hematology, serum proteins, performance, and health. The animals were divided equally into three
groups (control, test 1 and test 2). The three groups of calves were homogeneous...
Eco‐friendly magnetic clinoptilolite containing Cu(0) nanoparticles (CuNPs/MZN): as a new efficient catalyst for the synthesis of propargylamines via A3 and KA2 coupling reactions
In this reaserch a new and eco‐friendly magnetic catalyst for the synthesis of
propargylamines is reported. Initial incorporation of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles
(MNPs) into the pores of the natural clinoptilolite zeolite followed by...
Cu nanoparticles immobilized on modified magnetic zeolite for the synthesis of 1,2,3‐triazoles under ultrasonic conditions
Magnetically recoverable copper nanoparticle‐loaded natural zeolite -CuNPs/
MZN- as an efficient catalyst was synthesized. The Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles
were immobilized into the pores of natural clinoptilolite zeolite, which...
Use of organoclinoptilolite and a Sephadex® for removing harmful anions from aquaculture effluents
Systems capable of removing undesired anions from wastewater effluents, even at extremely low
concentrations, are a major need in the industry. At the present study the natural zeolite was
characterized using ...
Comparing the capability of modified zeolite and a synthetic resin to remove toxic ion species from aquaculture effluents
Natural zeolites can have three major roles in aquaculture: (i) removing ammonia from ambient
living water; (ii) producing oxygen to aerate water bodies; (iii) as filler included in feed. Systems
capable of ...
NH4+-K+ co-loaded clinoptilolite as a binary fertilizer
Understanding the potential of clinoptilolite -CLI- for adsorption of NH4+ and K+, providing appropriate fertilizer formula, and evaluation of the produced zeolitic nutrient sources -ZNSs- to meet the plant need are the main objectives of this study...