نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 742
Duality constraints on effective actions
Superstring theories at low energy limit are described by the corresponding supergravities, and their non-perturbative D-brane/O-plane excitations are described by DBI and WZ actions. Higher derivative corrections to these effective actions...
R4 terms in supergravities via T-duality constraint
It has been speculated in the literature that the effective actions of string theories at any order of $\\\\alpha\\'$ should be invariant under the Buscher rules plus their higher covariant derivative corrections. This may be used as a...
On modified tachyon DBI action
Recently a modification of the tachyon DBI action has been proposed in which the tachyon carries the internal CP matrix \\\\\\\\sigma_1 and \\\\\\\\sigma_2. In this paper, we find the momentum expansion of the disk level S-matrix element of four...
Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networksat WSDM 2017
The first international workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (MAISoN'17) is to be held on February 10, 2017; co-located with the Tenth ACM International Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) Conference in Cambridge, UK. MAISoN'17...
What is needed of a tachyon if it is to be the dark energy?
We study a dark energy scenario in the presence of a tachyon field $\\\\\\\\phi$ with potential $V(\\\\\\\\phi)$ and a barotropic perfect fluid. The cosmological dynamics crucially depends on the asymptotic behavior of the ...
Constraints on Dirac-Born-Infeld type dark energy models from varying alpha
We study the variation of the effective fine structure constant alpha for Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) type dark energy models. The DBI action based on string theory naturally gives rise to a coupling between gauge fields and a scalar field responsible...
Non-abelian expansion of S-matrix elements and non-abelian tachyon DBI action
are in perfect agreement with the non-abelian generalization of the tachyon DBI action in which the tachyon potential is $V(T)=1+\\\\pi\\\\alpha\\' m^2T^2+\\\\frac{1}{2!}(\\\\pi\\\\alpha\\' m^2T^2)^2+...$ where $m^2=-1/(2\\\\alpha\\')$ is the mass of tachyon...
Enhancing Human Action Recognition through Temporal Saliency
Images and videos have become ubiquitous in every aspects of life due to the growing digital recording devices. It has encouraged the development of algorithms that can analyze video content and perform human action recognition. This paper...