نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 169
optimization of array factor in linear array by using modified genetic algorythm
سال: 2004
The array factor (sidelobe level, SLL) of a linear array is optimized using modified
continuous genetic algorithms in this work. The amplitudes and phases of the currents as well as the
separation of the ...
Outage analysis of integrated mesh LTE femtocell networks
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Engineering privacy requirements valuable lessons from another realm
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
FIR-IIR adaptive filters hybrid combination
ناشر: IET
سال: 2014
Accordion: Toward soft Near-Threshold Voltage Computing
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Stochastic gradient algorithm for state space system with d-step delay
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Integrated Anomaly Detection for cyber security of the substations
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Adaptive hyperspectral image compression using the KLT and integer KLT algorithms
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014