نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 11
Impact of acetone (photo)oxidation on HOx production in the UT/LMS based on CARIBIC passenger aircraft observations and EMAC simulations
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Seasonal measurements of OH, NOx, and J(O1D) at Mace Head, Ireland
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
Radiative constraints on the minimum atomic oxygen concentration in the mesopause region
ناشر: Wiley
سال: 2013
The UV and visible spectra of chlorine peroxide: Constraining the atmospheric photolysis rate
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Resolving the strange behavior of extraterrestrial potassium in the upper atmosphere
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014
Multiphase OH oxidation kinetics of organic aerosol: The role of particle phase state and relative humidity
ناشر: American Geophysical Union
سال: 2014