نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 45
Polarized structure of nucleon in the valon representation
We have utilized the concept of valon model to calculate the spin structure functions of proton, eutron, and deuteron. The valon structure itself is universal and arises from the perturbative dressing of the valence quark ...
Valence quark polarization in the nucleon and the deuteron data
Within the framework of the so-called valon model, we argue that a substantial part of the nucleon spin,
about 40%, is carried by the polarized valence quarks. The remaining is the result of cancelations between ...
Non-singlet spin structure function in the valon model and low-x-scaling behavior of g1NS and g1 p
A next-to-leading order QCD calculation of non-singlet spin structure function, g1NS is presented within the valon representation of hadrons. In the valon model, it is assumed that a nucleon is composed of three dressed ...
Nucleon/nuclei polarized structure function, using Jacobi polynomials expansion
We use the constituent quark model to extract polarized parton distributions and finally polarized
nucleon structure function. Due to limited experimental data which do not cover whole (x,Q2) plane and
to ...
Fragmentation functions of neutral mesons and k with Laplace transform approach
With an analytical solutions of DGLAP evolution equations based on the Laplace transform method, we find the fragmentation functions (FFs) of neutral mesons, π0π0 and k0k0 at NLO approximation. We also calculated the total ...
Gluon Spin Contribution to The Nucleon Spin
We have calculated δg/g in the nucleon at all measured kinematics. The smallness of δg/g in the measured kinematics should not be interpreted as the the gluon contribution to the nucleon spin is small. In fact the first ...
Contribution of orbital angular momentum to the nucleon spin
We have calculated the orbital angular momentum of quarks and gluons in the nucleon. The calculations are carried out in the next to leading order utilizing the so-called valon model. It is found that the average quark ...
Gluon Contribution To The Nucleon Spin
Gluon polarization in Nucleon is evaluated in the valon representation of hadrons. It is shown that although δg/g is small at the currently measured kinematics, it does not imply that the gluon contribution to the nucleon ...
Partonic orbital angular momentum
Ji\\'s decomposition of nucleon spin is used and the orbital angular momentum of quarks and gluon are calculated. We have utilized the so called valon model description of the nucleon in the next to leading order. It is ...
اندازه حرکت زاویه ای مداری پارتون ها در نوکلئون: نمایش مدل ولون
با بهره گیری از نمایش ولون نوکلئون، سهم اندازه حرکت مداری پارتونها،کوارکها و گلوئون، نوکلئون در تکانه ی زاویه ای کل آن حساب شده است. این محاسبه در تقریب NLO انجام گرفته است. نتیجه ی به دست آمده نشان میدهد که میانگین اندازه ...