نمایش تعداد 1-6 از 6
Use of Bacterial Ghosts as Novel Drug Delivery Systems to Improve Cancer Treatment
Despite the large number of various anti-cancer drugs on the market, proper delivery systems
are needed to decrease serious toxic and non-curative side effects. In order to enhance
compliance, several delivery ...
Use of bacterial ghosts as novel drug delivery systems to improve cancer treatment
Introduction: The bacterial ghost (BG) system represents a novel
and progressive approach in the development of bacterial mediated
cancer immunotherapy. The empty inner space of BGs can be filled
with ...
Bacteria-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy, A Novel And Reliable Prospective Method For Targeted Cancer Therapy
Despite the large number of various anti-cancer drugs on the market, cancer remains one of the
most deadly diseases worldwide with the number of cases steadily increasing. Among the most
promising, more recent ...
Use Of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells As A Targeted And Promising Delivery System For Tumor Immunotherapy
The highly important roles of immune system in cancer development has made immune cells and
their related factors as attractive research tools in cancer immunotherapy. One of these cell types
includes ...
Prodrug converting enzyme gene delivery by E. coli for colon cancer therapy
Introduction: Metastasis is the main cause of death in patients with malignancies. Increasing evidence supports the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis, which postulates that a subpopulation of malignant cells are resistant ...
Evaluating of the synergistic anticancer effects of E. coli DH5α and glycyrrhizic acid compound on growth of CT26 colon cancer cells
Cancer remains one of the most deadly diseases worldwide with the number of cases steadily increasing. Advances in our understanding of cancer biology offer a series of new treatment options called experimental cancer ...