نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 2564
Effect of interactionist dynamic assessment on English vocabulary learning: Cultural perspectives in focus
learners were seelected using convenience sampling for among 15 such classes. A cultural dimension questionnaire was given to the participants to identify their cultural orientations. After identifying the cultural orientations of the learners...
Oriental City, Nostalgia, and Poetic Inspiration: From Historical Cities to Mythical Utopias
This study tries to look at the process through which historical cities transcend the boundaries of history and turn into mythical utopias. The major theme of this study is developed under a case study of Shafiee Kadkani’s poetry.
From Foucault to Postcolonialism: New Outlook into the Middle East
This research reviews Foucault’s idea about discourse and power, Said’s view about the Orient and Bhabha’s perception regarding stereotype. Benefitting from Foucault\\\\\\'s ideologies, postcolonial theorists like Edward Said and Homi Bhabha...
Theoretical Foundations of Translation Studies
on two fundamental concepts of source oriented (Sources) and target oriented translation approaches, as they occupy a particular position in the translation. The last section of the article investigates dichotomies in the field of translation studies...
Convergence in distribution for subcritical 2D oriented percolation seen from its rightmost point
Session: RTU2B: Multiband PAs and power mixers
Development and validation of an Islamic religious orientation scale with pilgrims of Imam Reza Shrine
The present study aimed at exploring the factorial validity of an enlarged Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) within an Islamic context. To this end, several national and international pilgrims visiting the Imam Reza Shrine in Mashhad, Iran, were...
Construct Validation of a Modified Religious Orientation Scale within an Islamic Context
This study added 12 new statements to the Persian version of 21-item religious orientation scale (ROS) and administered it to five hundred thirty six undergraduate students majoring in various fields in two universities in Mashhad, Iran...