Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Effect of substitution barley grain with dried sugar beet pulp on venous blood gas of Holstein steers
The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate the effect of
substitution of barley grain with dried sugar beet pulp (SBP) on venous
blood gas (VBG) of Holstein steers. Four Holstein steers with ...
Venous blood gas in Holstein steers fed diets differing in concentrate to alfalfa hay ratios
The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of diets
providing different concentrate: lucerne hay ratios on venous blood
gas in Holstein steers. Holstein steers (initial body weight= 261±15
kg, n=30) were...
Venous blood gas in Holstein steers fed diets differing in concentrate to alfalfa hay ratios
The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of diets
providing different concentrate: lucerne hay ratios on venous blood
gas in Holstein steers. Holstein steers (initial body weight= 261±15
kg, n=30) were...
Effect of Dietary Energy Source on Ruminal Fermentation, Venous Blood Gases and Various Blood Metabolites of Baluchi Sheep
Aims: Present study was to determine the effects of dietary energy source diets such as
glucogenic and lipogenic nutrients on ruminal fermentation characteristics, venous blood
gases and concentration plasma metabolites in Baluchi...