Now showing items 1-10 of 466
Gossip-based distributed data fusion of empirical probability measures
Pre-bond testing of weak defects in TSVs
Improvements in the operation of a distance relay during resistive faults
Loss balancing SVPWM for active NPC converters
Analog power and specialty technologies
Transmit power optimization for green multihop relaying over Nakagami-m fading channels
Enhanced Emotional and Speed Deviation Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives
This paper proposes an enhanced brain emotional learning-based intelligent controller (BELBIC) for synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) drives. The controller is based on an emotional learning and decision making mechanism in the brain via...
Variable-structure position control-a class of fast and robust controllers for synchronous reluctance motor drives
A family of variable structure robust position tracking
controller is presented for a three-phase synchronous reluctance
motor (SynRM) considering the maximum torque control (MTC)
strategy related to this motor. Neglecting...
Passivity-based adaptive sliding Mode speed control of switched reluctance motor drive considering torque ripple reduction
This paper presents a high-performance nonlinear controller for Switched reluctance machine (SRM), acting as a speed regulation motor drive. We use a cascaded torque control structure for torque ripple minimization. In a cascaded control structure...
Robust position control of synchronous reluctance motor drives using linear variable structure and adaptive input-output feedback linearization approaches
A nonlinear robust position tracking controller is presented for a three-phase synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) considering the control strategy of maximum torque control (MTC) related to this motor. Ignoring the motor iron losses, the proposed...