Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Di-jets production in quark gluon plasmas
of the hydrodynamic equations. It is found that the localized perturbations are able to propagate in quark gluon plasma (QGP) for long distances....
Colliding solitary waves in quark gluon plasmas
We study the head-on collision of propagating waves due to perturbations in quark gluon plasmas. We use the Massachusetts Institute of Technology bag model, hydrodynamics equation, and suitable equation of state for describing the time evolution...
Stable solitary waves in super dense plasmas at external magnetic fields
Propagation of localized waves in a Fermi–Dirac distributed super dense matter at the presence of strong external magnetic fields is studied using the reductive perturbation method. We have shown that stable solitons can ...
Viscosity to entropy ratio of QGP in relativistic heavy ion collision: Hard thermal loop corrections
In this work, we report on our computation results for the best value of the shear viscosity to entropy ratio of quark–gluon plasma produced in the relativistic Au–Au collisions at 200 GeV. Time evolution of heavy quarks distribution functions...
Viscosity to entropy ratio of QGP in relativistic heavy ion collisions: The second-order viscose hydrodynamics
The nuclear suppression factor RAA and elliptic flow ν2 are calculated by considering the effects of shear viscosity to the entropy density ratio η/s, using the viscose hydrodynamics at the first- and second-orders of ...
The effect of radiative energy loss of heavy quarks in the calculation of nuclear suppression factor in quark-gluon plasma: Iterative Laplace approach
The radiation drag and diffusion coefficients of charm and bottom quarks propagating through quark gluon plasma (QGP) have been evaluated for conditions relevant to nuclear collisions at the RHIC by using Iterative Laplace transform method...
Evolution of heavy quark distribution function on quark-gluon plasma: Using the Iterative Laplace Transform Method
The “Laplace Transform Method” is used to solve the Fokker-Plank equation for finding the time evolution of the heavy quarks distribution functions such as charm and bottom in quark gluon plasma. These solutions will lead us to calculation...