Now showing items 1-10 of 2792
Minimal path cover sets and monomial ideals
In this paper, we introduce the concepts of minimal path cover sets and the index of
covering of a simple graph G, and study the basic properties of these notions. Corresponding
to these combinatorial concepts, we define max-path ideal...
On the minimal path cover sets of union of certain graphs
In this paper, we study minimal path cover sets of union of certain
graphs. As consequences, we study max-path ideals with certain heights....
Evaluation of Spatial Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Real Time Routing in Geographic Information System
In this study, two developed shortest path algorithms that run fast on the real large volume road networks have been identified. The first one is heuristic genetic algorithm implemented with approximate buckets in scalar computing environment...
Detection of the number of noncoherent and coherent signals with a simple planar array
Perfect Lattice Paths in the Plane
Consider an $m\\times n$ table $T$ and latices paths $\\nu_1,\\ldots,\\nu_k$ in $T$ such that each step $\\nu_{i+1}-\\nu_i=(1,1)$, $(1,0)$ or $(1,-1)$. The number of paths from the $(1,i)$-cell (resp. first column) to the $(s...