Now showing items 1-10 of 1285
Computer Simulation of Buckling Behavior of SiC Nanotubes via Molecular Dynamics Theory
In this paper the mechanical behavior of silicon carbide (SiC) nanotubes are investigated by molecular dynamics which an effective and accurate way of modeling the behavior of nanostructures. The interactions of atoms in SiCNT are described using...
The Importance of Recognizing Binding Sites and Introducing Methods for Identification of them
is an indirect method for determining the binding site. For well-known structures that have PDB files, molecular docking techniques and molecular dynamics simulations it can be used....
Development of SCAR marker for the detection of QTL for resistance to dollar spot in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.)
Isolation of Clostridium Difficile and Molecular Detection of Binary and A/B toxins in Feces of dogs
and single method was carried out for detection of tcdC.
Twelve samples (7.9%) were positive in bacteriological assay and based on molecular assay, 66.7% of the isolates (8/12) had shown tcdA+, tcdB+ profile. This is the first investigation...
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to analysis dynamics and structure of water molecules during thermal unfolding process. Some water characters such as diffusion coefficient and radial distribution function were used to trace water...
Data for exploring the effect of parameters on decomposition of gas hydrate structure I
This article describes initial and final configurations of methane hydrate structure I as PDB file at various cage occupancies and different temperatures. Cage occupancies from full occupancy to 75% at three temperatures ...
کاربرد نشانگرهای PCR در بررسی تنوع ژنتیکی جدایه هایFUSARIUM SOLANI مزارع و انبارهای سیب زمینی استانهای خراسان شمالی و رضوی
Lack of adequate information regarding genotypic diversity within populations of plant pathogenic fungi is one of the most critical factors limiting breeding programs. in this study the genetic diversity of 22 pathogenic ...
Isolation of Clostridium Difficile and Molecular Detection of Binary and A/B toxins in Feces of dogs- An exposure source for infection in human
carried out for detection of tcdC. Twelve samples (7.9%) were positive in bacteriological assay and based on molecular assay 66.7% of the isolates (8/12) shown tcdA+,tcdB+ profile while. this is the first investigation on molecular assay of C...