Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Weather conditions associated with irrigated crops in an arid and semi arid environment
the variability of crop yields. In this study, the relationship between weather
descriptors and major irrigated crops yield were assessed for Khorasan province in northeast of Iran.
Long term daily weather (1984–2007) and crop yield (wheat, barley...
Crop Water Consumption and Crop Yield Prediction under Climate Change Conditions at Northeast of Iran
. This study has been conducted with the aim to find relationships between crop yield and
evapotranspiration with historical data (1984-2005) and predict crop yield under expected climate changes in the
upcoming years in the northeast of Iran...
Association between climate indices, aridity index, and rainfed crop yield in northeast of Iran
possibility to enable the farmers to mitigate or adapt to drought is highly required. In this study, the relationship between Aridity Index (AI) and detrended crop yield (1985-2005) of selected crops (wheat and barley) and the influence of three climate...