Now showing items 1-10 of 4815
Comparison of conditional expectations of functions of strong N demimartingales and functions of sums of conditionally independent random variables
Some inequalities for conditional demimartingales and conditional demimartingales
General velocity, pressure, and initial condition for two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulations
In this paper, an alternative approach to implement initial and boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method is presented. The main idea is to approximate the nonequilibrium component of distribution functions as a third-order power series...
Bayesian multiattribute sampling inspection plans for continuous prior distribution
On the probability of being a 2-Engel group
Let G be a finite group and E2(G) denote the probability that
[x, y, y] = 1 for randomly chosen elements x, y of G. We will
obtain lower and upper bounds for E2(G) in the case where the
sets EG(x) = ...
Context-Aware Filtering and Visualization of Web Service Clusters
Conditionally negative association resulting from multinomial distribution
Random rounded integer valued autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic process
Quenched central limit theorems for sums of stationary processes
Strategies and consequences resulted from management context of Mashhad city& aquatic water parks: A qualitative approach
-related conditions: Environmental pressures, changing expectations of customers and employees, lack of economic infrastructure of the country, lack of bank lending, lack of Legal protection, rival access to competitive advantages, lack of specialized workforce...